Headscale 的配置

Headscale 安装

Headscale 是开源的 Tailscale 管理服务器,本文主要通过 Docker 部署在阿里云的 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 服务器上,当然,环境需要安装好 Docker 和开了相应的端口。


mkdir -p ./headscale/config
cd ./headscale
touch ./config/db.sqlite


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juanfont/headscale/main/config-example.yaml -o ./config/config.yaml

由于阿里云服务器访问 GitHub 有那么一些些玄学,所以还是手动新建文件复制粘贴了一下。由于和 docker 配合可以干掉很多和路径相关的问题(也产生了一些新的和路径相关的问题),对配置文件的修改主要就是改了自己的服务器地址和相关路径,换用国内可以访问的 DNS,还有关掉 magicDNS 以及 DERP 功能。

update: 改了一下 ipv4 的默认网段,不然占用 CGNAT 的ipv4 网段会有一些和运营商冲突的问题(比如阿里云的镜像就不能用了)

View config.yaml

# headscale will look for a configuration file named `config.yaml` (or `config.json`) in the following order:
# - `/etc/headscale`
# - `~/.headscale`
# - current working directory

# The url clients will connect to.
# Typically this will be a domain like:
# https://myheadscale.example.com:443
server_url: http://公网IP:8080

# Address to listen to / bind to on the server
# For production:
# listen_addr:

# Address to listen to /metrics, you may want
# to keep this endpoint private to your internal
# network

# Address to listen for gRPC.
# gRPC is used for controlling a headscale server
# remotely with the CLI
# Note: Remote access _only_ works if you have
# valid certificates.
# For production:
# grpc_listen_addr:

# Allow the gRPC admin interface to run in INSECURE
# mode. This is not recommended as the traffic will
# be unencrypted. Only enable if you know what you
# are doing.
grpc_allow_insecure: false

# The Noise section includes specific configuration for the
# TS2021 Noise protocol
  # The Noise private key is used to encrypt the
  # traffic between headscale and Tailscale clients when
  # using the new Noise-based protocol.
  private_key_path: /etc/headscale/noise_private.key

# List of IP prefixes to allocate tailaddresses from.
# Each prefix consists of either an IPv4 or IPv6 address,
# and the associated prefix length, delimited by a slash.
# It must be within IP ranges supported by the Tailscale
# client - i.e., subnets of and fd7a:115c:a1e0::/48.
# See below:
# IPv6: https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/blob/22ebb25e833264f58d7c3f534a8b166894a89536/net/tsaddr/tsaddr.go#LL81C52-L81C71
# IPv4: https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/blob/22ebb25e833264f58d7c3f534a8b166894a89536/net/tsaddr/tsaddr.go#L33
# Any other range is NOT supported, and it will cause unexpected issues.

# DERP is a relay system that Tailscale uses when a direct
  # -
  # - fd7a:115c:a1e0::/48
# connection cannot be established.
# https://tailscale.com/blog/how-tailscale-works/#encrypted-tcp-relays-derp
# headscale needs a list of DERP servers that can be presented
# to the clients.
    # If enabled, runs the embedded DERP server and merges it into the rest of the DERP config
    # The Headscale server_url defined above MUST be using https, DERP requires TLS to be in place
    enabled: false

    # Region ID to use for the embedded DERP server.
    # The local DERP prevails if the region ID collides with other region ID coming from
    # the regular DERP config.
    region_id: 999

    # Region code and name are displayed in the Tailscale UI to identify a DERP region
    region_code: "headscale"
    region_name: "Headscale Embedded DERP"

    # Listens over UDP at the configured address for STUN connections - to help with NAT traversal.
    # When the embedded DERP server is enabled stun_listen_addr MUST be defined.
    # For more details on how this works, check this great article: https://tailscale.com/blog/how-tailscale-works/
    stun_listen_addr: ""

    # Private key used to encrypt the traffic between headscale DERP
    # and Tailscale clients.
    # The private key file will be autogenerated if it's missing.
    private_key_path: /etc/headscale/derp_server_private.key

  # List of externally available DERP maps encoded in JSON
    - https://controlplane.tailscale.com/derpmap/default

  # Locally available DERP map files encoded in YAML
  # This option is mostly interesting for people hosting
  # their own DERP servers:
  # https://tailscale.com/kb/1118/custom-derp-servers/
  # paths:
  #   - /etc/headscale/derp-example.yaml
  paths: []

  # If enabled, a worker will be set up to periodically
  # refresh the given sources and update the derpmap
  # will be set up.
  auto_update_enabled: true

  # How often should we check for DERP updates?
  update_frequency: 24h

# Disables the automatic check for headscale updates on startup
disable_check_updates: false

# Time before an inactive ephemeral node is deleted?
ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout: 30m

# Period to check for node updates within the tailnet. A value too low will severely affect
# CPU consumption of Headscale. A value too high (over 60s) will cause problems
# for the nodes, as they won't get updates or keep alive messages frequently enough.
# In case of doubts, do not touch the default 10s.
node_update_check_interval: 10s

# SQLite config
db_type: sqlite3

# For production:
db_path: /etc/headscale/db.sqlite

# # Postgres config
# If using a Unix socket to connect to Postgres, set the socket path in the 'host' field and leave 'port' blank.
# db_type: postgres
# db_host: localhost
# db_port: 5432
# db_name: headscale
# db_user: foo
# db_pass: bar

# If other 'sslmode' is required instead of 'require(true)' and 'disabled(false)', set the 'sslmode' you need
# in the 'db_ssl' field. Refers to https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-ssl.html Table 34.1.
# db_ssl: false

### TLS configuration
## Let's encrypt / ACME
# headscale supports automatically requesting and setting up
# TLS for a domain with Let's Encrypt.
# URL to ACME directory
acme_url: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory

# Email to register with ACME provider
acme_email: ""

# Domain name to request a TLS certificate for:
tls_letsencrypt_hostname: ""

# Path to store certificates and metadata needed by
# letsencrypt
# For production:
tls_letsencrypt_cache_dir: /etc/headscale/cache

# Type of ACME challenge to use, currently supported types:
# HTTP-01 or TLS-ALPN-01
# See [docs/tls.md](docs/tls.md) for more information
tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type: HTTP-01
# When HTTP-01 challenge is chosen, letsencrypt must set up a
# verification endpoint, and it will be listening on:
# :http = port 80
tls_letsencrypt_listen: ":http = port 8080"

## Use already defined certificates:
tls_cert_path: ""
tls_key_path: ""

  # Output formatting for logs: text or json
  format: text
  level: info

# Path to a file containg ACL policies.
# ACLs can be defined as YAML or HUJSON.
# https://tailscale.com/kb/1018/acls/
acl_policy_path: ""

# ## DNS
# #
# # headscale supports Tailscale's DNS configuration and MagicDNS.
# # Please have a look to their KB to better understand the concepts:
# #
# # - https://tailscale.com/kb/1054/dns/
# # - https://tailscale.com/kb/1081/magicdns/
# # - https://tailscale.com/blog/2021-09-private-dns-with-magicdns/
# #
# dns_config:
#   # Whether to prefer using Headscale provided DNS or use local.
#   override_local_dns: false

#   # List of DNS servers to expose to clients.
#   # nameservers:
#   #   -

#   # NextDNS (see https://tailscale.com/kb/1218/nextdns/).
#   # "abc123" is example NextDNS ID, replace with yours.
#   #
#   # With metadata sharing:
#   # nameservers:
#   #   - https://dns.nextdns.io/abc123
#   #
#   # Without metadata sharing:
#   # nameservers:
#   #   - 2a07:a8c0::ab:c123
#   #   - 2a07:a8c1::ab:c123

#   # Split DNS (see https://tailscale.com/kb/1054/dns/),
#   # list of search domains and the DNS to query for each one.
#   #
#   # restricted_nameservers:
#   #   foo.bar.com:
#   #     -
#   #   darp.headscale.net:
#   #     -
#   #     -

#   # Search domains to inject.
#   domains: []

#   # Extra DNS records
#   # so far only A-records are supported (on the tailscale side)
#   # See https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/blob/main/docs/dns-records.md#Limitations
#   # extra_records:
#   #   - name: "grafana.myvpn.example.com"
#   #     type: "A"
#   #     value: ""
#   #
#   #   # you can also put it in one line
#   #   - { name: "prometheus.myvpn.example.com", type: "A", value: "" }

#   # Whether to use [MagicDNS](https://tailscale.com/kb/1081/magicdns/).
#   # Only works if there is at least a nameserver defined.
#   magic_dns: false

#   # Defines the base domain to create the hostnames for MagicDNS.
#   # `base_domain` must be a FQDNs, without the trailing dot.
#   # The FQDN of the hosts will be
#   # `hostname.user.base_domain` (e.g., _myhost.myuser.example.com_).
#   base_domain: example.com

# Unix socket used for the CLI to connect without authentication
# Note: for production you will want to set this to something like:
unix_socket: /var/run/headscale/headscale.sock
unix_socket_permission: "0770"
# headscale supports experimental OpenID connect support,
# it is still being tested and might have some bugs, please
# help us test it.
# OpenID Connect
# oidc:
#   only_start_if_oidc_is_available: true
#   issuer: "https://your-oidc.issuer.com/path"
#   client_id: "your-oidc-client-id"
#   client_secret: "your-oidc-client-secret"
#   # Alternatively, set `client_secret_path` to read the secret from the file.
#   # It resolves environment variables, making integration to systemd's
#   # `LoadCredential` straightforward:
#   client_secret_path: "${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/oidc_client_secret"
#   # client_secret and client_secret_path are mutually exclusive.
#   # The amount of time from a node is authenticated with OpenID until it
#   # expires and needs to reauthenticate.
#   # Setting the value to "0" will mean no expiry.
#   expiry: 180d
#   # Use the expiry from the token received from OpenID when the user logged
#   # in, this will typically lead to frequent need to reauthenticate and should
#   # only been enabled if you know what you are doing.
#   # Note: enabling this will cause `oidc.expiry` to be ignored.
#   use_expiry_from_token: false
#   # Customize the scopes used in the OIDC flow, defaults to "openid", "profile" and "email" and add custom query
#   # parameters to the Authorize Endpoint request. Scopes default to "openid", "profile" and "email".
#   scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "custom"]
#   extra_params:
#     domain_hint: example.com
#   # List allowed principal domains and/or users. If an authenticated user's domain is not in this list, the
#   # authentication request will be rejected.
#   allowed_domains:
#     - example.com
#   # Note: Groups from keycloak have a leading '/'
#   allowed_groups:
#     - /headscale
#   allowed_users:
#     - alice@example.com
#   # If `strip_email_domain` is set to `true`, the domain part of the username email address will be removed.
#   # This will transform `first-name.last-name@example.com` to the user `first-name.last-name`
#   # If `strip_email_domain` is set to `false` the domain part will NOT be removed resulting to the following
#   user: `first-name.last-name.example.com`
#   strip_email_domain: true

# Logtail configuration
# Logtail is Tailscales logging and auditing infrastructure, it allows the control panel
# to instruct tailscale nodes to log their activity to a remote server.
  # Enable logtail for this headscales clients.
  # As there is currently no support for overriding the log server in headscale, this is
  # disabled by default. Enabling this will make your clients send logs to Tailscale Inc.
  enabled: false

# Enabling this option makes devices prefer a random port for WireGuard traffic over the
# default static port 41641. This option is intended as a workaround for some buggy
# firewall devices. See https://tailscale.com/kb/1181/firewalls/ for more information.
randomize_client_port: false

为了方便管理,这里我使用了 gurucomputing/headscale-ui,在根文件夹下创建 docker-compose.yml,此时文件夹结构应如下图所示:

配置docker-compose.yml 如下:

version: '3.5'
    image: headscale/headscale:latest
    container_name: headscale
      - ./headscale/config:/etc/headscale/
      - 8080:8080
      - 9090:9090
    command: headscale serve
    restart: always
    image: ghcr.io/gurucomputing/headscale-ui:latest
    restart: always
    container_name: headscale-ui
      - 443:443
    external: true

然后 docker compose up -d 就行了。

经过漫长的等待,看到 Docker 终于像预期一样跑起来了,这时我们就可以进行进一步的设置了。

Headscale 配置


在 Docker 运行起来之后,我们应该就能直接访问对应公网 IP 的 443 端口,进入 ui 界面,提示设置 apikey,此时我们只需要执行:

docker exec headscale \
	headscale api create

拿到 api-key 填入即可。

apikey 只会显示这一次,但是 ui 界面填入的内容只保存在该浏览器的本地缓存中,所以请妥善保管好您的 apikey,或者干脆每次申请一个新的。



docker exec headscale \
	headscale user create <USERNAME>




docker exec headscale \
	headscale nodes register --user <USERNAME> --key mkey:<key>


在完成 Headscale 的配置之后,我们就可以将节点接入到我们的虚拟局域网中了。

Windows 接入

访问 <server_url>/windows 可以查到对应的接入方法。具体而言就是在下载好新版本的 tailscale 之后在带有管理员权限的 powershell 中运行:

tailscale login --login-server <server_url>

按照 powershell 中给出的指示拿到 <mkey> 完成节点接入即可。在连接上后不要忘了在设置中取消对使用 DNS 的勾选以及选择 run unattended 便于远程控制。

Linux 接入

首先按照指引完成 Linux 端的 tailscale 程序的安装 (可能要sudo)

curl -fsSL https://tailscale.com/install.sh | sh

默认安装程序在国内可能有网络问题,那就也可以在 官网 下载针对不同体系结构 build 好的二进制发行文件(想从 Github 自己源码编译也不是不行,但是我没试过)。下载之后按照官方教程进行安装并启动tailscaled.service就好。之后就是登录。

sudo tailscale up --login-server=<server_url> --accept-routes=true --accept-dns=false

之后就是和 Windows 接入一样的流程了。


首先要维持一个和群晖的 SSH 连接。还是在在 官网 下载了对应版本和体系结构的 headscale spk 文件(群晖的体系结构和系统版本可以 SSH 上去用 uname -a 看到)。传上去之后用

sudo synopkg install {{path/to/package.spk}}


接下来进行登录,登录和 Linux 就几乎一样了,只不过要多加一个 --reset 的 arg。

sudo tailscale up --login-server=<server_url> --accept-routes=true --accept-dns=false --reset



在 Google Play 中安装 headscale,打开之后暂时会找不到自定义服务器的入口。这时我们不用慌,快速点击右上角的菜单展开按钮,打开收起几次之后就有了。

输入 <server_url> 后返回点击 Sign in with other,之后的操作都是大同小异了。

不用服务端每次都确定: Pre-Authkey

生成 Authkey

docker exec headscale \
	headscale preauthkeys create -e <TIME> --user <USERNAME>

其中,<TIME> 指有效期长度,一般最好不要超过 24h,如果要使这个 Authkey 可被复用,请加入 --reusable 这个arg。


docker exec headscale \
	headscale --user <USERNAME> preauthkeys list

使用 Authkey

在上面各种接入方式的命令行操作末尾加一句 --authkey <KEY>,即可,例如此时的 Linux 接入命令就是:

sudo tailscale up --login-server=<server_url> --accept-routes=true --accept-dns=false --authkey <KEY>



docker exec headscale \
	headscale nodes list

看到各个设备的上线状态和对应的 IP 地址,当然各个设备本身也能看到其他设备的 ip 地址(看不到上线状态但是可以ping)。

在 Linux 设备上我们执行:

ip route show table 52

可以看到新的路由表已经被建立了。之后就可以互相进行访问了。当然 tailscale 还有一些局域网打通之类的操作,但是由于人在校园网内网,为了安全性考虑还是不弄了。